Saturday, September 15, 2012

When Your Body Betrays You

I am one of those idiots who thinks that studying in a coffee shop is a great, brilliant idea.

Studying in a coffee shop IS better than studying at home, for these reasons:
1. Home has a tv with such pleasures as Lifetime movies and reruns of Friends.
2. At home there are dirty dishes, unswept floors and laundry, all vying for my attention.
3. My home has a teeny tiny room I like to call the office/guest room/closet/"throw all our crap in here and close the curtain" room: The title is bigger than the space. Doing homework at the desk in there only makes me want to leave and find more fun things to do, like tell the boyfriend 97,856 "I forgot to tell you..." stories that are really just excuses for human contact and escape from the land of "get stuff done".

So, with all these reasons in my arsenal, I head to coffee shops. Any coffee shop. As long as it's characteristics are equal or greater than:
1. a place with free wifi (free being, "hey you gotta buy something from us. We don't except jerks who want to mooch our free internet. P.S. We charge $17.83 for a cup of coffee.")
2. airconditioning
3. Music: not too loud, or too quiet, or too jazzy
4. People
5. Tables with wall plug-ins. Spending 10 minutes messing around on the internet before and after I finish every assignment (or every first sentence of every assignment) uses a lot of battery.

Now, you might say that those reasons seem ridiculous. You might say I am procrastinating even more by lugging myself and my 500 ton backpack to a coffee shop. And perhaps, I am, but anyone who has ever been in school (all people, raise your hands) knows that studying at home is just not fun and sometimes you need a little motivation.

And sometimes, you reeeeeaaaaaaaaally need to get stuff done. I mean REALLY get stuff done. Like, "my mom is coming into town and my house actually has to be clean", get stuff done. Today I didn't stay at home to study. I didn't go to a coffee shop to knock out the 5 assignments I had to write, I went to the library. 

The library combines all the good things one needs to study and has none of the big, unproductive fireworks distractors that no one needs.

It has an extremely loud quietness. So quiet, that when I felt myself need to sneeze, I tried to get rid of it because I was embarrased by how loud it would sound. Then even after I did sneeze, I felt my face turning a little pink, because "jeez, what's more embarrasing than sneezing while everyone around you is avoiding noise?"
The answer? (yeah there's really answer to that question):

And that's what the guy at a table next to me did.
A loud, unpretentious fart. 
And I did what any good human would do. I kept doing exactly what I was doing.
I didn't turn around, I didn't look at him, I ignored his apology, and I typed away on my computer, even though I was just typing ghkwrbzysuskdp. I was so distracted by the fart that I couldn't actually get back to typing what I needed to type, but I didn't want him to think I was dwelling on what he was dwelling on, which is what you all would have been dwelling on...

"I can't believe he just did that."

Next Saturday, I plan to go to a coffee shop.

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