Thursday, September 6, 2012

Operation Finish Line

Haven't written in awhile...not surprising, I know. But, I am currently home alone, watching early episodes of Friends, while I take a break from never ending homework (it piles up faster than laundry!). Now seems like a good time to scribble on the blog again.

98 days until I am no longer a prisoner of Sac State.

Wait, let me say that a little nicer.

13.5 weeks until I am no longer a prisoner of Sac State.

I hate to have to say it like that. I mean, can you really understand what a nightmare this school is just from a few typed cyber words?

I'm so dramatic. I'm also so honest. I'm dronest, if you will.

But here's the thing, I'm almost done!!!!!!! AND, I'm still so sure that I made the right choice. Despite the fact that I've paid a good chunk of change to go there. Regardless of how lazy the school has been. Even though the department treats students like they are mindless cattle, I'm so glad I did this.
And so, as I count days of my calendar, I'm trying to remind myself that this literally may be the last time I am ever in school.
I looooove school. School loves me. It's a pretty harmonious relationship. So, I can complain as much as I want about the ways I have been wronged, but I know I will still miss this when I no longer have to drive 25 miles to Sac State, or pay 6 bucks for parking (wondering if I can even get a parking spot). I may be happy to leave classes with professors who checked out 5 years ago and require $175 textbooks that I never bother to read, but school, as with anything, is more that it's inconvenient bits. I know I'm lucky to even have a Masters degree. I've spent three years with people who challenge me, make me laugh and teach me what it means to be a great counselor. I have professors who make me think (!) and feed my love for learning.

I'm running to the finish line, sprinting is probably more accurate. Soon I will be tired, my feet will hurt and I will want nothing more than to just get it over with. Slow down, Sista Sledge! The journey is worth more than the ending.

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